Shane Gould world swimming champion from the 1970’s, loves swimming in the ocean and bodysurfing. I studied Environmental Management and Contemporary Art – Photomedia at the University of Tasmania. I am very interested in photographing swimmers in what I call the habitable place of the water, the interface.

I’m inspired by big skies over the ever changing ocean and being in the water photographing waves swimmers and bodysurfers. I use a Nikon D300 various lenses such as 18-55 and 12-24 mm and a Canon G11 and now G12 I am Australian and world traveler, but call Bicheno Tasmania home. Redbill Beach and Waubs Bay are fertile sites for my photographs.

I explore what people mean when they say they ‘feel at home in the water’ and also when a swimmer is described as having ‘a good feel for the water’.
Pool swimmers curved flowing bodies juxtaposed with stark lines and industrial architecture of the buildings and walls of pools are also a feature of my work.